All done and took for a quick ride all I can say is WOW completely blown away hooks up amazing on everything and @p500fan is right it feels like there is power steering now so crazy
Looks vicious. Get the bighorns put on in the a.m.I think we both made the right decision. Will keep you postedAll done and took for a quick ride all I can say is WOW completely blown away hooks up amazing on everything and @p500fan is right it feels like there is power steering now so crazyView attachment 5578
am i missing something here? whos got what?Looks vicious. Get the bighorns put on in the a.m.I think we both made the right decision. Will keep you posted
Moose308 is installing bighorns. I think you got caught in the middle of a conversation between myself and Jak.am i missing something here? whos got what?
1 too many margaritas. Lol.Moose308 is installing bighorns. I think you got caught in the middle of a conversation between myself and Jak.
Got it. I'm ready to buy but don't know which of the two I want.Moose308 is installing bighorns. I think you got caught in the middle of a conversation between myself and Jak.
I will have pics tomorrow. Went with 25inch size because they run a little big.I realize the pio can handle bigger but I like that low end power and we drive slow through the wood trails out at the property.That too!
I hope you love them. I'd like to see pics, also. Hopefully, they will be as good to you as the Ripsaws are to me.I will have pics tomorrow. Went with 25inch size because they run a little big.I realize the pio can handle bigger but I like that low end power and we drive slow through the wood trails out at the property.
Sweet.How much air pressure?Just did a quick 10ml ride and im in freakin love with these tires they sucked up alot of rocks and ruts i felt with the stockers went througn everything with ease i didnt try crazy mud cuz i was just with my 2 yo daughter and didnt want to risk getting stuck lol the only down fall is i did notice a very slight drop in power i had to give a tad more gas going up some steep hills but totally worth the trade off in traction and ground clearance i would 100% recommend these
Jak I put some pics of the Phantom over on the picture side with the tires installed.Running 10psi seems like a sweet spot
Congratulations to you and your wife. God does have a sense of humor and will give you the desires of your heart.It's a boy! He's our first. We have been trying for 11-12 years. Went though fertility treatments, 3 failed adoptions, the whole deal. When the wife turned 35 in November, she decided we weren't going to have any kids, and we could live as "semi-retirees". Within a month, she found out she was pregnant. God has a good sense of humor.