I see people complain about dust on the Rhinos and RzR's all the time...and heat on the Rhinos and Rangers.
I recently test drove a Rhino for the 1st time. Keeping in mind this was a used until...i was a little disappointed in a few areas...namely the level of mechanical noise and vibration present in the cab. Could be a unit that was abused...but it was said to be owned by an older couple. I was also surprised at how high geared the thing was...even in low.
This got me to thinking that this machine must have been a bad example of the breed....
And then i thought about the 2 Yamaha quads i owned back in 2000 ( Big Bear, traded in on a Kodiak ). That Kodiak was awesome in most respects. Except for the mechanical noise and the plastic vibrating at certain RPM's...but at the time i didn't realize this.
Shortly after, Honda came out with the Rubicon, and i couldn't resist trading the Kodiak in on one....
WOW! Take 90% of the Kodiak's goodness at fast trail riding, and then add 200% of it's smoothness and refinement at casual trail riding speeds, and you'd have the Rubicon. The feeling was of an obsessively though out "whole" of a product. Smooth, no plastic vibes...and very little mechanical noise ( despite that tranny ). It was, IMO, a rolling definition of why Honda is #1. And quite frankly, i was surprised that the refinement gap between Yamaha and Honda was still that great.
This in not to put down Yamaha at all. The Grizz would be my first choice as a new quad, and that old Kodiak ( and to a lesser degree, the Big Bear as well ) were both awesome machines, and i'd recommend them in a heart beat to anyone. And FWIW, i never had any issue with the belt...but as others have stated, it was always in the back of my mind.
The point of this rant is this: If you're worried about things like heat, vibes, or dust, your looking at the right machine. These are the typical details that Honda always knocks out of the park. If the Pioneer has issues with these, then you can bet everything else does as well.
As far as belts go, i would buy one. The Yamaha is as good as it gets, belt-wise. The Polaris is easy to change, which is good...but on them i'd be far more worried about ball-joints and wheel bearings...chronic problems on the RZR.
No. I suspect i won't have to worry about any of these things, since i will likely end up on a Pioneer -4. IF my dealer ever gets one!