Finally got enough snow to make it worth trying out the new KFI plow. The total storm was about 8". I made a pass about halfway through the storm to see how things were working. I'm glad I went with the 66" plow. The P520 handled it with no problem.
I put square-link, diamond-pattern chains on the rear tires, which seem to be working well. I won't know for sure if that was the right choice until the steep section of our driveway ices up. The square link chain is supposed to grip better than the same chain pattern made from round link chains, but it's not as tough on pavement as the studded diamond patter chains.
I did put a 75# bag of sand in the back. I think if this were really heavy, wet snow, I might want another bag back there. Though with the really heavy storms, I'll still use the snowblower on my tractor.
I do need to figure out something to keep the windshield clear. Reaching around the side of the windshield every once in a while with a snow brush/scraper gets old after a bit.
The snow really messes with the auto-focus on the camera.
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