Having a rare issue with my new Talon 1000X-4 Fox Live and wanted to get the information out there so that when Honda figures out the issue, other people might be able to look up this post.
Model: Talon 1000X-4 Fox Live
Year: 2020
Miles: 140
Issue: 4 wheel drive not engaging
General Notes: Dealer had me finish break-in driving in 2 wheel drive and then bring it in so that break in maintenance could be performed along with the repair. Drive mode indicator is discussed on page 37 of the owners manual.
Dealer Troubleshooting:
Dealer Notes: When testing with the other dash unit, the problem remained. When the dealer attached the dash unit back to the Talon they borrowed it from, the issue started happening on that Talon as well.
Current Status:
I will post the resolution here. If anyone has thoughts on what I can tell the dealer, please let me know.
Thank you!
keywords: talon 4 wheel drive i4wd
Model: Talon 1000X-4 Fox Live
Year: 2020
Miles: 140
Issue: 4 wheel drive not engaging
- Drive mode indicator light flashes between 2WD LOCK and I4WD when selecting I4WD (The silhouette picture of the front and rear tires on the dash display).
- Drive mode indicator light flashes on 2WD LOCK only when switching back to 2WD after trying I4W. Only goes solid after stopping and restarting engine.
- Front wheels have no power to them (tested in gravel).
- Front drive shaft does spin (visual inspection).
- Did not work from the first day. Noticed on initial 50 mile break in ride.
- I4WD error light does not come on (Except for light check when starting the unit).
- Hill start assist does work correctly.
- Launch mode works correctly.
- Automatic and manual transmission operations are normal.
General Notes: Dealer had me finish break-in driving in 2 wheel drive and then bring it in so that break in maintenance could be performed along with the repair. Drive mode indicator is discussed on page 37 of the owners manual.
Dealer Troubleshooting:
- Replaced the front sensors.
- Replaced the I4WD switch.
- Disconnected the after market turn signal kit.
- Inspected and tested all of the wiring.
- Plugged in a dash unit from another Talon (see notes below).
- Had to take video to prove to Honda that this was happening.
Dealer Notes: When testing with the other dash unit, the problem remained. When the dealer attached the dash unit back to the Talon they borrowed it from, the issue started happening on that Talon as well.
Current Status:
- Honda does not want the dealer to trial and error troubleshoot at this point because they don't want to break other units.
- Honda upper level engineers are looking at the issue in their labs.
- The dealer has had my Talon for a week so far.
I will post the resolution here. If anyone has thoughts on what I can tell the dealer, please let me know.
Thank you!
keywords: talon 4 wheel drive i4wd