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Traded my Pioneer like a LOSER
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Mar 28, 2016

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How old are ya?
Not saying because I don't want to be grouped in with all the awful, horrible, whiny, triggered, SJW, a-hole, liberal d-bags of my (millenial) generation.
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Montecresto el segundo
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Not saying because I don't want to be grouped in with all the awful, horrible, whiny, triggered, SJW, a-hole, liberal d-bags of my (millenial) generation.
No worries, you're not lumped in if you're not in. ;)
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Montecresto el segundo
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We’re use to thinking of the nation’s economic woes in terms of unemployment. But even our sobering jobless rate masks a deeper economic sickness. In 2011, the National Bureau of Economic Research reported that 44 percent of Americans say they would have trouble coming up with two grand in 30 days if they needed to. These “financially fragile” households — one medical bill or busted furnace away from bankruptcy — cut across low-income groups and the middle class alike. What unites this huge swath of America is not an employment problem, but a savings problem.

Why Americans Don’t Save — and What We Can Do About It
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Not saying because I don't want to be grouped in with all the awful, horrible, whiny, triggered, SJW, a-hole, liberal d-bags of my (millenial) generation.
Lol.. I'm 31 and I don't consider my generation part of the millennial douche bags! As long as you're not a liberal like Monte we won't judge you!
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Where Eagles & Angels....Dare to Fly...
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........Gary Johnson Fails wat 4th Graders know...........
un able to name a foreign leader he looks up to....


Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
Of the other two candidates, one has been a big contributor to our national debt, and has made personal gains using her influence around the world as SOS, that's her economic experience, the other has gamed the system using multiple bankruptcies to get out of meeting his obligations to his contractors and sub contractors, and has escaped the burden of paying his fair share of taxes like the rest of us because he allows that it's "good business"!


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Jul 16, 2015
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Diversify. I wish I would have invested in real estate back in the 90s. But the market hasnt been too bad either.
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Montecresto el segundo
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Diversify. I wish I would have invested in real estate back in the 90s. But the market hasnt been too bad either.
Yep, diversify is always the strategy.


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Mar 6, 2016

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Of the other two candidates, one has been a big contributor to our national debt, and has made personal gains using her influence around the world as SOS, that's her economic experience, the other has gamed the system using multiple bankruptcies to get out of meeting his obligations to his contractors and sub contractors, and has escaped the burden of paying his fair share of taxes like the rest of us because he allows that it's "good business"!

If you could legally get away without paying taxes you would. Get over it.
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Montecresto el segundo
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If you could legally get away without paying taxes you would. Get over it.
No self respecting tax payer looks kindly on a billionaire paying NO taxes. Furthermore, if none of us paid taxes, we'd have no fire or police, no roads or schools, no interstate highway system, no military to wage all those wars that you support. Trump sets a very bad example for the American way.


Traded my Pioneer like a LOSER
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Mar 28, 2016

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No self respecting tax payer looks kindly on a billionaire paying NO taxes. Furthermore, if none of us paid taxes, we'd have no fire or police, no roads or schools, no interstate highway system, no military to wage all those wars that you support. Trump sets a very bad example for the American way.
Half the people in this country pay zero income tax, and many of them don't even work (because why work if the government will pay you not to?)

I look more kindly on someone that doesn't pay tax if they are employing thousands of people that DO. It's not the billionaires that upset me. And I can't stand it when people whine about rich people just because they have it better than we do. Those rich people are the ones signing paychecks. If i'm a billionaire, and the government wanted to change tax laws to take 70% of my income, I'll take my business somewhere else. Start taxing the hell out of the billionaires and big corporations more and that's what will happen.


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Half the people in this country pay zero income tax, and many of them don't even work (because why work if the government will pay you not to?)

I look more kindly on someone that doesn't pay tax if they are employing thousands of people that DO. It's not the billionaires that upset me. And I can't stand it when people whine about rich people just because they have it better than we do. Those rich people are the ones signing paychecks. If i'm a billionaire, and the government wanted to change tax laws to take 70% of my income, I'll take my business somewhere else. Start taxing the hell out of the billionaires and big corporations more and that's what will happen.
I'm right there with you buddy! Couldn't have said it better myself... My wife and I pay well over 25% of our income to taxes. It makes me sick every time I think about it. Especially when I go to the grocery store and see welfare recipients eating whatever they want off tax money. I'll have basic necessities and they will have a cart full of junk, steaks, lobster, etc. I'm sick and tired of the moochers running the country. More moochers than producers and you get an economy like America. They are gaining power too, just look at the last 2 elections!
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Montecresto el segundo
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Half the people in this country pay zero income tax, and many of them don't even work (because why work if the government will pay you not to?)

I look more kindly on someone that doesn't pay tax if they are employing thousands of people that DO. It's not the billionaires that upset me. And I can't stand it when people whine about rich people just because they have it better than we do. Those rich people are the ones signing paychecks. If i'm a billionaire, and the government wanted to change tax laws to take 70% of my income, I'll take my business somewhere else. Start taxing the hell out of the billionaires and big corporations more and that's what will happen.
I'm far from a poor person and I'm not whining. I've paid taxes all my life, and I employ a lot of people in three states. Paying taxes is American. And I'm not interested in "taxing the hell out of" anybody. Fair share. We can talk about whether we pay too much or not, and we can talk about the dead beats on the government tit, but that's another topic.
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Traded my Pioneer like a LOSER
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Mar 28, 2016

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I'm right there with you buddy! Couldn't have said it better myself... My wife and I pay well over 25% of our income to taxes. It makes me sick every time I think about it. Especially when I go to the grocery store and see welfare recipients eating whatever they want off tax money. I'll have basic necessities and they will have a cart full of junk, steaks, lobster, etc. I'm sick and tired of the moochers running the country. More moochers than producers and you get an economy like America. They are gaining power too, just look at the last 2 elections!

Too many people depend on the government for their needs, and their numbers grow every day. I've seen it personally over and over. These politicians know too well how to get elected - give the people what they need so they have to rely on the gov. You keep giving more and more people freebees, of course they're going to vote for you.
I'm far from a poor person and I'm not whining. I've paid taxes all my life, and I employ a lot of people in three states. Paying taxes is American. And I'm not interested in "taxing the hell out of" anybody. Fair share.

I know you weren't whining, and I didn't mean to sound like I was accusing you of that. And yes, taxes are necessary - I wouldn't argue otherwise. If there was such a thing as "fair share", I'd be all for it. But it's never going to happen. The middle class like you and I will bear the burden, and we'll get by. It just won't be as easy for us as it is for those on the bottom, or on the top. But it's either that, or you go the other way: Everyone is middle class - no extremely rich and no extremely poor. And that's socialism. NO THANKS!
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Montecresto el segundo
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I'm right there with you buddy! Couldn't have said it better myself... My wife and I pay well over 25% of our income to taxes. It makes me sick every time I think about it. Especially when I go to the grocery store and see welfare recipients eating whatever they want off tax money. I'll have basic necessities and they will have a cart full of junk, steaks, lobster, etc. I'm sick and tired of the moochers running the country. More moochers than producers and you get an economy like America. They are gaining power too, just look at the last 2 elections!
And the billionaire that wants to be our president is the moocher in chief. What's 25% of his billions? And I've never heard him talk about things the government can do to encourage and incentivise Americans to save, and be more independent, because it's not part of his platform.


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I'm far from a poor person and I'm not whining. I've paid taxes all my life, and I employ a lot of people in three states. Paying taxes is American. And I'm not interested in "taxing the hell out of" anybody. Fair share. We can talk about whether we pay too much or not, and we can talk about the dead beats on the government tit, but that's another topic.
If paying taxes is American, how do 45% of Americans get away with paying none? What do you consider fair share? I pay my taxes but believe you me that if I could pay less I most certainly would. Especially when there is no way in hell I use over $50k worth of government services per year.
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Montecresto el segundo
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Too many people depend on the government for their needs, and their numbers grow every day. I've seen it personally over and over. These politicians know too well how to get elected - give the people what they need so they have to rely on the gov. You keep giving more and more people freebees, of course they're going to vote for you.

I know you weren't whining, and I didn't mean to sound like I was accusing you of that. And yes, taxes are necessary - I wouldn't argue otherwise. If there was such a thing as "fair share", I'd be all for it. But it's never going to happen. The middle class like you and I will bear the burden, and we'll get by. It just won't be as easy for us as it is for those on the bottom, or on the top. But it's either that, or you go the other way: Everyone is middle class - no extremely rich and no extremely poor. And that's socialism. NO THANKS!
Well now you're talking about tax reform, on that we agree heartily. In fact sense you agree that taxes are necessary, we agree on everything. Seems like Ben Carson was promoting the tithing system. Everybody pays 10% of gross starting at the poverty line.
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Montecresto el segundo
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If paying taxes is American, how do 45% of Americans get away with paying none? What do you consider fair share? I pay my taxes but believe you me that if I could pay less I most certainly would. Especially when there is no way in hell I use over $50k worth of government services per year.
Yes, we all want to pay less, and we all (presumably) are asking our CPA's to not leave any stones unturned in terms of deductions. But we do have the disabled, the indigent, the hungry and the very poor amongst us and if they're not taken care of, they become a bigger hardship to society that would far out weigh not doing so. If you want to talk about people who are gaming the system like Donald Trump, then by all means, offer a policy that would weed them out of our federal aid programs, I'd be all down with that. If you want to really eliminate waste, fraud and abuse within government, then look at Johnsons platform, and his record as governor of New Mexico for two terms, then vote for him.

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