Illegitimi non carborundum
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I realize i just posted this picture earlier this week , but i have an update on Minoux.
We had to have him put down today. He had gotten sick from a tick borne disease called (Bobcat Fever). This disease is currently only in Oklahoma and Arkansas. It is a very aggresive virus, and has no cure as of yet. Even though the cats have Frontline tick and flea repellent, the ticks still bite them. The ticks do die, but have allready invected the cat. He was an awesome lil buddy. I rescued him as a small kitten from the side of the road in Missouri. He was best buds with our new pup Bandit.
He will be missed!
I am sorry to hear that as I am a cat person and had to rehome one of mine last year when she started trying to kill her brother. I know the hurt.
Minoux looks a lot like my rescue Socks who has it made now - but lead a rough life before arriving at my house. She is missing a toe on a front foot.
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