My brother got me some dewalt tool bags from work, they were buying the tools, drills and stuff and throwing out the heavy duty canvas bags. I got three of them
My brother got me some dewalt tool bags from work, they were buying the tools, drills and stuff and throwing out the heavy duty canvas bags. I got three of them
i got this at walmart for $6.50....with the "L" brackets and zip ties i have about $10.00 in it.... alot better than the $180 honda wants.... View attachment 5548
Do you have a 2019 honda pioneer 500? I bought one of these that someone suggested, took a pic of exact measurements and it was too tall, hood would not go down. I'm trying to get exact measurements from someone who has a 2019. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Do you have a 2019 honda pioneer 500? I bought one of these that someone suggested, took a pic of exact measurements and it was too tall, hood would not go down. I'm trying to get exact measurements from someone who has a 2019. Any help would be greatly appreciated!