HONDA SXS Club Flounder
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Took the P5 to a nearby trail we ride that requires crossing a big creek. We do it all the time and it's no big deal. It was warm enough today to get some melt off though and the water level must've been a bit higher than normal, seemed to be moving faster too. About midway across I started breaking traction and the next thing I knew we were being pushed downstream. I could feel the machine tipping side to side but heard the nerf bars bouncing off the rocks, they were keeping us upright. Grabbed my folding shovel and tried to use it as a paddle to steer us to the bank but the machine was too heavy and the current too strong, I couldn't hold it. I was starting to panic because I could hear the waterfall around the next bend. Quickly I stuck the shovel through the nerf bar and used it as a make shift oar lock, now I had a rudder. With that and the tires spinning like a prop we made it to the edge.
Must've lost my bag of jerky in all the commotion and watched it go over the falls as we were climbing out. Nothing I could do to save it though. 😢
If that was Jack Links teriyaki beef, and you did not try to save it, I have lost all respect for you.