These for you or the radiator?Working on my fan setup for my 520! These are the bomb for moving air on hot dusty days!
View attachment 332894
🤐🤣😂None of this can ever be repeated...
Got a call from a govt agent. Needed me and my crew to finish up a monster bldg on the moon that the gubment employee crew was falling way behind on. It was to house some device that apparently was going to save the Earth and the clock was ticking. He assured me that everything I needed was already there. I asked about a way for me to get around the job and he said they had state of the art rovers. Told him the only way I'd do it is if I took my P5. They wanted me bad so they agreed and put some dilitium crystals or some sh** in it to make it run up there.
We were shipped in two space shuttles, one with the crew and the other was just me and the pilot (Tom), the P5 and the schedule. They mainly needed the extra shuttle to send guys back in. Anyway, something screwed us up on the descent and we ended up landing miles from where we should be. Houston had a problem and it wasn't looking good for saving the world but that's what we were sent there for. We got into our space suits, stepped through the door and unloaded the P5. I could see where we needed to go, they had preloaded maps on my RAM mounted tablet. I was hammering it through the moon dust, the craters were like big sand bowls and kind of fun. No doubt a bigger machine would've just sank in it. We were getting through it but it was taking a long long time so I had the idea of mounting a fire extinguisher to each nerf bar. If I launched off a crater in the right direction and then we fired the extinguishers, we had a chance. With all four digging, I got the best run at it I could and we went airborn. Tom was pretty good at controlling his side and had us surfing right along until we saw the site lights. Then he dropped us down and we came sliding into the job sideways.
Everyone surrounded us cheering and couldn't believe we made it. I got out chewing the a** of my lead man (numba one) bc we had a job to do and they were all standing around. Anyway, with some leadership and the P5 to get around in, we finished the job a little ahead of schedule and apparently they got the device installed that saved all man kind. I got some patches and stickers and offered me a life supply of Tang. Told them nah, just happy to help. 😏
Yomama looking good!Nothing to radical. Made a couple Vinyl Stickers for the Honda. I'll make a couple more small ones to go on the sides of the bed.View attachment 332923View attachment 332924
Thanks. Love the low-budget bling.Yomama looking good!
Love it.. Moondust on the incognito gold nerfs! Thanks for saving us all.. we will live to ride another day.None of this can ever be repeated...
Got a call from a govt agent. Needed me and my crew to finish up a monster bldg on the moon that the gubment employee crew was falling way behind on. It was to house some device that apparently was going to save the Earth and the clock was ticking. He assured me that everything I needed was already there. I asked about a way for me to get around the job and he said they had state of the art rovers. Told him the only way I'd do it is if I took my P5. They wanted me bad so they agreed and put some dilitium crystals or some sh** in it to make it run up there.
We were shipped in two space shuttles, one with the crew and the other was just me and the pilot (Tom), the P5 and the schedule. They mainly needed the extra shuttle to send guys back in. Anyway, something screwed us up on the descent and we ended up landing miles from where we should be. Houston had a problem and it wasn't looking good for saving the world but that's what we were sent there for. We got into our space suits, stepped through the door and unloaded the P5. I could see where we needed to go, they had preloaded maps on my RAM mounted tablet. I was hammering it through the moon dust, the craters were like big sand bowls and kind of fun. No doubt a bigger machine would've just sank in it. We were getting through it but it was taking a long long time so I had the idea of mounting a fire extinguisher to each nerf bar. If I launched off a crater in the right direction and then we fired the extinguishers, we had a chance. With all four digging, I got the best run at it I could and we went airborn. Tom was pretty good at controlling his side and had us surfing right along until we saw the site lights. Then he dropped us down and we came sliding into the job sideways.
Everyone surrounded us cheering and couldn't believe we made it. I got out chewing the a** of my lead man (numba one) bc we had a job to do and they were all standing around. Anyway, with some leadership and the P5 to get around in, we finished the job a little ahead of schedule and apparently they got the device installed that saved all man kind. I got some patches and stickers and offered me a life supply of Tang. Told them nah, just happy to help. 😏
Lunar Lunacy!!
Love it . . .