At the age of 21 I started a career in commercial aviation (3rd generation) I did maintenance and did some manufacturing Gulfstream, Boeing's 787. After 10 years of traveling, crawling around cargo bays and ridiculously long hours, sometimes I pulled 26 hour shifts while on the 787, my wife said enough is enough let's slow down find a 9-5er and actually do more then work and pay taxes. I went to college in my early thirties got 2 degrees and now I work for the great state of Florida I am on-site and keep 256 users online, accounts unlocked (they go on vacation and forget their password) and keep their computers, printers, fax machines working while maintaining 2 servers.
I was reading previous posts about health insurance, before this job kicked in Obama fined me for not having insurance. Now i have ridiculously good insurance, great retirement and best of all no more weekends I'm not even on call.
The best part working for the state my college is now free I can take 2 classes a semester and only have to buy books. If I were to get accepted to U.F. they are also free to state employees. The pay is no where near my old job but the fringe benefits are fat I pay $240 monthly for me and the wife for health, vision, dental.