Future Who's ready for the 2018 HONDA TALON SPORT SxS?



Active Member
Apr 3, 2014
well going back and forth reading the thread here... I see a lot of members get off track. lets get back on the thread topic, the Honda Talon.
I see in early post Honda released a trademark patent for the name talon. I wonder why Honda did want to keep the pioneer name for a new sxs. like Honda pioneer r or something.... Honda always has a good reason. I hope they start releasing/ issuing new patents soon. cant wait to see what hone has in store for the so say talon. Honda needs to catch up to the market with this machine......


Ya even I had something typed in there because of everything and backed it out. That was a tough one for me Jackal! Back on subject. The more you wait the more you appreciate. I doubt the Honda will absolutely dominate on power and all stats but it'll be strong have good features but best of all be a Honda with dependably. I'd love to say it'll be up 20hp on everything (hopefully I'm wrong here and they go by the way of "look at me!")but Honda will go for a solid platform that does very well and is fully usable with many years of service.

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I don't see Honda getting Horsepower king either, but then again no one keeps that tittle long. I mean Can-Am just dropped the 154hp X3. I'm sure Polaris is burning their pencils up trying to beat that number. This unit will turn the world upside down. Yamaha has already taken their idea for paddle shifters on the YZX, their idea of a pure sport sxs, didn't go off as well as they expected I guess.
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Jul 21, 2016
Gypsum, Colorado

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I'm actually hoping it isn't that crazy. Something like a teryx with bigger tires, more travel and of course all the honda engine/drivetrain and what not. I like the idea of more comfortable permanent bucket seats with a small fixed bed. Doesn't have to dump for me. I don't want to see it crazy long or wide though, no limousines and it has to still be narrow enough for trail riding. I think the shape and size of a teryx is just about perfect for me. My wife already gave me the green light to trade up when it comes out if we like it, and we've only had the pioneer for 2 months lol. So far the pioneer is great though and there isn't any other machine that I'd rather have currently. I just hope the talon isn't trying to compete with the yxz or new canam, that is a market I'm just not interested in.
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A Game Changer is a Sport model for about $16,000 with close to 100 hp and around 16 inches of travel. Most can't use over 100 hp plus these $30,000 models won't sell well. They are fun racing up the sand hills and for desert racing. If Honda goes Big on one you can count on a 4 cylinder and close to 150 hp and over 200 if turbo. A automotive steel belt in fluid or a double clutch trans and no way a rubber belt drive. November isn't that far off. The new 154 hp Maverick entered in the Vegas to Reno race had 2 extra belts strapped on and a quick release belt drive cover with 3 pins, not 8 bolts. Belt drive sucks for racing and if you put on 10,000 miles on one.
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Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon X4
I'm actually hoping it isn't that crazy. Something like a teryx with bigger tires, more travel and of course all the honda engine/drivetrain and what not. I like the idea of more comfortable permanent bucket seats with a small fixed bed. Doesn't have to dump for me. I don't want to see it crazy long or wide though, no limousines and it has to still be narrow enough for trail riding. I think the shape and size of a teryx is just about perfect for me.

Isn't the Pioneer 1000 something like a Teryx in shape and size with more power, suspension, and all Hona, etc? I mean the only box not ticked you named is bucket seats.

Honda is typically conservative on recreational models, but if they are going to build a Sport model don't cripple it. Doesn't have to have a turbo to compete in anything but sand dunes and that crowd has many choices they think the need already. Just make a good overall sport model that performs and handles well for 80% of the biggest market share (trails & desert) terrain, meaning not swamps /mud bogs and sand dunes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2016
Gypsum, Colorado

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Yeah, it is close to a teryx for sure. My passengers just aren't digging the rear seats, and I'm not happy with the lack of rear storage with the seats up either. I also don't like the idea of going up in tire size and struggling to make them clear and worrying about the machine not being designed for them to begin with. I agree with hondabob, the price has got to stay under $20k. $25-30k machines are ridiculous. A guy can do a lot with $30k building a jeep or truck (which would have the added benefit of being street legal), crap even $15k would build/buy you a nice jeep. $30k can get you a house back home where I'm from LOL. I like what canam and yamaha have done with their mid range machines the wolverine and commander... capable of a little more fun than a viking or defender, but not as useless to me as a maverick or yxz and still at a completely affordable price. I also like the look of polaris' new general, it definitely is no ranger, but still not a $25k rzr either. Just give me something along those lines, that guys can build on if they want, and it would sell very nicely I think. Also hoping that Honda works out some of the kinks for a new machine, like the crazy heat issue, lower the reverse gear by a lot, lower the low range by a little etc.
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  2. Talon R
Spy photo of Honda Talon shocks being delivered to Honda SC.


Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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  2. Talon X4
Here is a picture of the Talon wheels

Talon BM SB 2
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Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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  2. Talon X4
Hmmmmm I'll just leave this here ;)

Talon logo


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2016
Gypsum, Colorado

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Pioneer 1000 6
This is similar to what I have in my mind. Doubt it will happen considering the complete name change, but they could call this one a Pioneer 1000-6, or a Pioneer XL or something... Pardon my sad sad microsoft paint skills... I made the tires a little bigger too.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2016
Gypsum, Colorado

  1. 1000-5
Might not be able to get that middle seat in the rear though cause of the engine, but at least the 2 rear riders would have real seats, and you could have tons of storage under the front bench, plus a small bed.


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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  3. Talon X LV
I think you did a pretty good job actually.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2016
Gypsum, Colorado

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Thanks. I was looking at my 1000 a little closer, looks like they probably could get the full bench in the back as well, with floor space for 3. Worst case if the middle foot well was a little intruded on or was raised, I would still want the full bench with 3 belts. Most kids/small adults don't need all the floor space anyway, crap my 3 year old's legs barely make it off the seat bottom lol.

I'm good with the bench seats also, keep them the same front and rear for cost and stuff, just make the seat foam a little softer/thicker or something. If the door can be the same front and rear that is a bonus as well. I'm a big proponent of duplicate parts on a machine... just literally add an identical second row, same as front. 30" tires, lower gear ratio to keep it similar to what it is with the 27s. Lower the low range and reverse. Give it a roof and decent full undercarriage skid protection. need a bar to hold onto for rear passengers (should be easy enough), and it needs a permanent or removable bar for the front passenger as well (my wife can't reach the A pillar hand hold). storage all the way across under the front seat. 2 more gallons of fuel capacity. Dump bed, or not, don't care. Maybe boost the engine up to close to 100 hp (I'm sure it is more than capable of it). And a factory snorkel that either uses the C pillar of the roll cage as the breather somehow or has an intake that runs up between the bed and the rear seat. Keep everything else exactly the same. I'll be first in line if it is $19,999 or less.

Oh yeah, and tell all the salesman to let buyers know the fuel tank breather is really low... before they drive through water below seat height and fill their tank up.
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To be hones, I think Honda has too much invested in the idea of all their units being easily converted from 2-3-4-5 seats without much work. That and the 2/4P and 3/5P aren't any larger and can seat 2 more passengers. I've been around a lot of multiple passengers models from Brand X and they are huge. You need a gooseneck trailer and a diesel truck to haul them anywhere. Honda has a great idea with the seating situation, maybe make it a little bigger for adults but otherwise it's ok. I do like the idea of a faster Teryx like model, with buckets and a different engine.

They wont use a belt anytime soon, again they've got too much time and cost invested in this DCT trans. I mean look at all the models it's been successful in- Rancher AT, the new Rubicon and multiple street bikes. I just think they underestimated the P1K, but then again, we've only had 2 out of 30 that we've sold that have had issues. So I wouldn't call that a huge failure rate. This model will be awesome, I have no doubt, will it kill everything out there, NO. But it will bring a lot of people back who have been holding out for a sport Honda sxs.
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Jun 15, 2015

  1. Big Red
To be hones, I think Honda has too much invested in the idea of all their units being easily converted from 2-3-4-5 seats without much work. That and the 2/4P and 3/5P aren't any larger and can seat 2 more passengers. I've been around a lot of multiple passengers models from Brand X and they are huge. You need a gooseneck trailer and a diesel truck to haul them anywhere. Honda has a great idea with the seating situation, maybe make it a little bigger for adults but otherwise it's ok. I do like the idea of a faster Teryx like model, with buckets and a different engine.

They wont use a belt anytime soon, again they've got too much time and cost invested in this DCT trans. I mean look at all the models it's been successful in- Rancher AT, the new Rubicon and multiple street bikes. I just think they underestimated the P1K, but then again, we've only had 2 out of 30 that we've sold that have had issues. So I wouldn't call that a huge failure rate. This model will be awesome, I have no doubt, will it kill everything out there, NO. But it will bring a lot of people back who have been holding out for a sport Honda sxs.
Honda released a press statement today. 45 million dollar, 115 thousand sq foot expansion at the South Carolina plant. Was done to keep up with sales, maybe the new Talon line.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2016
Gypsum, Colorado

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You are probably right, they have too much invested in the flip up seat design and name sake. I'll give it to them, it is unique, I just wish it would be better than it is. Between being not that comfortable to begin with, and the crazy heat, it just isnt great, not refined, or not tested enough? Having owned it now, I know for me I just need a permanent 4 seater, no need to switch back and forth, and if that means it is longer, then so be it (even though a teryx isn't much longer).

I wish honda would realize that they have a huge following of loyal hondaists, and their "name sake" that sets them apart could simply be the all gear transmissions, that is enough on its own. They don't have to have a clever seat thing to also get ahead. Just make a pioneer 3 and a pioneer 6. People that want a short wheelbase and more than 3 will just put a bench in the bed like they always have. I mean what am I gonna dump out of my bed anyway, there'd be a path of sand from point A to B and an empty bed when I got there lol.

Oh and they could probably just get rid of the 700 at this point too. Maybe that would save them some factory space so they could focus on new models without spending money on expanding their manufacturing plants?
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