Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Today found us (me and Bugnut) , driving out of the CDA NF and up towards Clark Fork on National forest service Road 278 to 744. After meeting my buddy for lunch I went to the Ford dealership in Pend Oreille and picked up some brake pads for my front of my truck. Then headed north on highway 95/2 to 20 mile Road which drives into the Kaniksu national forest. I was out looking for new places to ride and probably should’ve parked my rig at the bottom somewhere in the forest and then taking off on my pioneer but I figured I would just do… Considering it was supposed to just be a national forest road and not turn into the jeep trail it turned out to be… LOL. Anyway it’s quite the interesting experience saw lots of trails shooting off from the main route of NF 408. The latter part being very overgrown, rocky with occasional water filled mud holes . Plus many close calls with trees sticking out into and over the road. (Need to buy a chainsaw) There were definitely some beautiful scenery shots and some captivating boulder strewn creeks but I really did not find much of any dispersed camping until I got to the very bottom on the other side and then I pretty much decided I was just gonna head back into town at that point and find camping and a shower. At one point on my way back into the backside of Bonners ferry I drove through the Paradise Valley which was spectacular and I kick myself in the teeth for not stopping and taking pictures but was outstanding and scenic. About 630 I pulled into the Army Corps of Engineers campground at springy point in Sagle Idaho just south of Sand point Idaho . Took some awesome photographs of the sunsetting over the lake and my happy fluffy dog enjoying a little bit of Lakeside fun. But that’s on my other iPad .
Hey @Trapper5885 where ye be? Wanna meet for breakfast?
Pictures loaded out of order...
Hey @Trapper5885 where ye be? Wanna meet for breakfast?
Pictures loaded out of order...