Seat Heat Solution Pioneer 1000
If your buns a getting a little too toasty I have the solution. The shields covers the hole above the sub transmission and blocks that heat. Works great with blocking the steam that rises behind the seat when you hit water as well. The extra that is sticking up in the back tucks behind seat once it's in place so you have double layer behind seat sealing it up very well. This material is 5/16" thick made as a heat reflective barrier. All slits for seat belts would be cut all you have do is slap it on and go. They are 25.00 and $1 to cover PayPal fees. 26.00. I have two left at the 26.00 I have ordered more materials will go up just a tad on the price. With materials, shipping and time involved the new ones will be $30.00. I will have these ready to ship June 1. You can prepay and be the first ones shipped. Thanks everyone and Happy Trails.
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