If I buy this harness, could I use this to wire into a 6-fuse box, and then wire to accessory switches from there?
Initially I’d only be running a sound bar, but may add other stuff down the road. My concern is the sound bar specs state 10 amps, and this harness states a 10 amp max. Open to suggestions. I struggle trying to understand wiring.

Honda Talon Power Harness - Version B- Blue Plug Fits Horn Socket!
New product for the Honda Talon 1000 R and Talon 1000 X, x4, LV This Key-On Power Harness for the Honda Talon provides 12v positive and ground for your light-duty power needs. The most common use will be for custom switch panel use as KEY-ON control wire and common for switch backlights. 6"...

Initially I’d only be running a sound bar, but may add other stuff down the road. My concern is the sound bar specs state 10 amps, and this harness states a 10 amp max. Open to suggestions. I struggle trying to understand wiring.