I skipped the one that looked like a tranny, but in hindsight that was very un-PC of me to assume @Hometeam gender.
This whole gender thing is really turning out to be something I can really use to my advantage. Just the other day I decided to identify as a woman...and you know what all I did was smile and bat my eyes, and bam, I am getting doors opened up for me, Guys asking if I needed help loading stuff up, etc. I can already see all the disadvantages of being a woman with all that extra help!!!

So the next day I decided to be a guy again, and Bam, I got call names, cussed at, blamed for all the world problems, burdened with continuing to work hard so totally capable people can sit at home and complain about needing me to do more!!! It all makes prefect sense....sorry this took to long to write. I gotta get back to work as a "guy" today and pay for the world through my taxes!!
