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hope they get you fixed up and back to normal soonA setback...
I've been off the bike for a couple of weeks now. After riding the Saturday before memorial day, I woke up with...to be honest, some discomfort in my right groin. The best way to describe it is that I felt like I'd slept on one nut. Honestly thought that's what had happened...no real pain, just some tenderness I expected to go away quickly. Next day I rode again with no issues, but as the week went on, there was no improvement with a feeling of swelling or something not quite right.
I've had 2 hernia repairs in my right abdomen, one of which included a mesh patch back in 2000. I started thinking maybe I had done something to inflame that area. A trip to the doc has now confirmed that while the old repair is intact, I now have "fat containing hernia" that will need surgery to repair.
I have no ideal how I even did this, nor do I think biking had anything to do with it, but I felt it best to stay off until the doctor clears me to ride again. Should be scheduled in the next few days, but it sucks to have made some noticeable improvements, and then have to sit around while they fade away.