Hi,Man... mountain biking is sooooo much fun! You guys and gals are all missing out!
Round 2:
Drank plenty of water and Propel last night and this morning. Had avocado toast for breakfast for plenty of fuel for the old fat. Paced myself better and took breaks when I got winded. Had a specific trail post in mind as a goal. 100 yards away and still feeling like I could do some other trails...
Then I heard a loud bang like a gun going off. Felt the front drop a bit, and looked down to see that my front WTB vigilante had blown Completely off the rim. Not blown out...blown off the rim!
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It appears to be a casing failure where the tire separated from the wire bead. Had a spare tube with me and installed it hoping to limp back to the truck. Got the tire pumped up to maybe 10 lb with the hand pump.. just enough to convince myself that it was going to hold. Turned around to the pack to get out the CO2 inflator, and heard a strange noise. Looked back at the tire just in time to see the inner tube bulging through the sidewall about a nanosecond before it blew out as well.
Hiking is a great pastime. Hiking with a 35 lb mountain bike, not so much. Wouldn't it be easier just to put a burning bush in the desert telling me not to ride?
I've been riding tubeless since 2006 on various bikes. Besides a sidewall cut from a broken beer bottle, I have never had a catastrophic failure like you have had. It had to be a bad tire.