Copied this from a post on the HM facebook page !
"Hey guys just wanted to give everyone a heads up on some upcoming rule changes I've been made aware of. New Trail Rules will be going into place at the end of this month due to a recent accident on the indian ridge trail. No Children under the age of 6 or 4'9'' will be allowed on any trail and booster seats and car seats will not be allowed. They will really be cracking down on this, helmets, and alcohol. The new rules are now posted on the front of the trail maps as well.. don't shoot the messenger I'm just here to help spread the word to fellow riders. I feel like with increased traffic you'll start to see a lot more rules enforced than we used to see in early years. I remember riding 3 days straight, never seeing a ranger and only passing one or 2 other groups the whole time. Those days are long gone."
This is printed on all of the trail maps you download