On the end of the transmission shaft there are two plastic o rings that have to be replaced. Take them off carefully (in case you bung a new one up later) but don't replace at this point! Careful (very very carefully at this point till it's all in) pick up your clutch assembly making sure the new side is on the outside place onto the shaft. Keep everything as tight as possible making sure the gears on both sides stay in tight. Wiggle just a bit and turn just a bit as needed till it's all the way in. The first 3/4 is easy the last 1/4 your trying to align the large gear on the outside of the assembly with a smaller one on the inside on the left of the transmission. It all needs to be in flush and cozy.

if it doesn't look like this carefully jiggle in some more if still not then pull assembly back out and repeat making sure again the gears on the assembly are fully in.
Once you've confirmed it sits as picture the place the new plastic split rings on the transmission shaft

and place a little grease on these rings. Place new outer gasket onto the the transmission. There is a large oil port on lower left that will help with placement.
Place clutch cover over the clutches onto the transmission with a light couple taps possibly needed but nothing hard. It needs to fit very tight without use of the tightening the

bolts to assure you loaded everything correctly. Place bolts lightly back in. The should all have closely the same length when placed in. Just put one at a time and assure they are all about 1/2 of threads as seen also in the above picture. Make sure you can finger tighten most of the way then tighten till they are snugged up against the cover. Now start at top and tighten a little go to bottom and tighten a little,then left and right then repeat with the others. You want to tighten the cover evenly. Now tighten all up in the same fashion. Start back up top and go clockwise counting all 8 as you go for a final check. Keep in mind these do not need cranked super tight. Replace the 10mm and the lock at the top

and plug all plugs back in making sure the clips holding the wiring are back into correct spots.
Fill with 6.1quarts of oil

check everything. Make sure you feel good and everything is off the exhaust tools out of the way ect.
Let sit a for a minute and start the vehicle. Your dash will look like this don't freak out its normal

After its warmed up a little place into drive carefully if done correctly it's moving if not you do not have it loaded correctly. Shut off the vehicle and perform the transmission reset.
P1000 - Reset the DCT Clutch / Clutch Initialize Learning Procedure
Start the Pioneer and let warm up, get it out and ensure everything is good and feels good (no one knows your Pioneer as well as you do they all feel different because they learn you) go through the gears. Come back check oil with dipstick not screwed in all the way(check it by setting it in not tight) and perform another quick glance ensuring everything is snug and ready for battle. Then simply go enjoy your work. Have fun guys and gals!
Thanks very much to
@JACKAL for sharing this link. Follow the steps and your golden. Enjoy your new clutches and enjoy your 1000 plus in savings I sure did.