Ya once you get it fixed snorkel the machine as
@Remington mentioned. It will be an expensive repair but all parts are available now (if Covid hasn’t effected them) they were not early on.
There are many different ways, some as cheap as about 30$. I just went the
@joeymt33 through the hood setup, quick and easy yet effective. In newer years Honda did an update to the intake under the hood, that can be purchased through Honda.
Unfortunate event that’s for sure but it’s happened to a few of us. Honda originally denied any responsibility and were quite nasty about it but soon updated the machine and it seems to have helped.
Sorry to meet under these circumstances, many on the site with older machines have done something here, and it wasn’t just to forage through deep water. It needs to be done as the machine can pick up small amounts of water simply through puddles. At any rate welcome to the club, bunch of good guys here so ask anything you need and feel free to comment.
Here’s some s*** reading. It was my experience.
As many of you know My Pioneer inhaled some water last weekend from just a puddle that we had run through a bit too quickly and and came out dead. I brought it into the dealer on Tuesday they said they'd look at it as soon as they could they were backed up. Got the call yesterday that the dealer...