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I agree, SxS's & Mopeds don't belong on interstates or busy hi-ways, now from trail head to trail head I can see it as long as it's a secondary hi-way.I agree with you Rem on the state of our state. However, the strict rules for street legalizing a SxS is not entirely due to the Michigan legislature - blame Polaris as well.
Friend of mine has inside contact with motorsports dealer association and he said that he was told that Michigan was one of 6 states that Polaris was doing heavy lobbying in to make it very difficult to street legal a SxS. Reason- Polaris wanted no part of the liability once someone had a head-on in a RZR to a semi. Polaris wanted rules wrote into Michigan's "built vehicle registration" law that made it almost impossible to street legal a SxS.
Now, I might catch a lot of flak from you guys on this, but I feel this is a great law. Think about it- all the vehicles on the road today with their safety systems and driver assist crap that has turned people into non-drivers. Throw a SxS into traffic now with a flimsy plastic body and a roll-over protection that has not been crash tested with cement barriers or cars. Count me out! Besides that, go north of St. Johns, MI (imaginary east-west line in the state) and with an ORV sticker, you can practically drive a SxS anywhere in northern MI., except M-highways, US highways and Interstates. Sorry, but my P5 would never keep up with traffic anyway.