Old SATV sideview mirrors (for the Honda Pioneer 1000) removed and kemimoto mirrors installed.
With only one minor gripe, I'm actually impressed with the construction and build of these kemimoto mirrors. They are clearly Seizmik Pursuit knockoffs but appear to be a pretty solid product in their own right, and a good deal for the $65 +tax I paid for them.
The base and housing is cast aluminum (EDIT: Looks like they are actually ABS, but damn they feel like aluminum!), the clamps are steel and the mirrors are convex safety glass. The notched detents are firm, and the mirrors have a breakaway feature to fold them away if you hit something.
I was able to install them without too much trouble, and my CEC enclosure fits. In fact, I even took the opportunity to fine tune the lower half of my SuperATV flip-up windshield. Now when I close it, the top and bottom meet even better than before.
My old SATV mirrors were vertically oriented. I couldn't even see that I HAD a passenger side mirror when my enclosure was installed. Without the enclosure, that mirror was still pretty useless. My view out of the driver's side was useable, but narrow. Those mirrors didn't hold their position very well, either, despite multiple attempts to tighten up the adjustment bolts.
With the kemimotos, I can actually see the entire mirror on the passenger side! The wider angle view is very nice.
My only real gripe is that the inner glass mirror surface is supposed to be adjustable (just like the old car mirrors where you move the mirror up/down/left/right *within* the mirror housing, but these aren't currently agreeing. Either they aren't very adjustable OR they are just super stiff because they are new. There doesn't seem to be a way to adjust that tension, so I will just give them some time and see what happens.
If you're in the market for wide angle side view mirrors and like the Seizmik Pursuits (except for their $200 price tag), you should check the kemimoto mirrors out.
For comparison purposes, here are my old SATV mirrors: