Hi all, just joined to read and search for info on the Honda Pioneer 500. I live in south central Florida and though in a subdivision community, very near near the boonies which is mostly sugar sand, scrub brush and trees, and no hills at all. Presently use a gas EzGo golf cart with rear flip seat. Mosly run on paved and gravel roads as the golf cart won't travel the sand very well, but lots of trails.
I'm presently in Mi. but will be full time in Florida in about a month. I like the Pioneer 500 for the price and Honda reliability and will be buying one as soon as we return to Fl. I am still not sure that I understand if the claim of 2wd/4wd is legit if there are aftermarket dif. lockers available for these. My question is, is this a three wheel drive with the front differential simply a limited slip meaning if one wheel in front slips or spins, then the engagement switches to the other wheel or locks up both front wheels? Dealer is not much help with tech advice, and manufacturer does not really elaborate. It doesnt really matter that much as I will be running on sand and no real getting stuck problem, but still would like to know how the drive system works. Its my understanding that both differentials are powered through driveshafts. Thanks for any feedback. Stan
I'm presently in Mi. but will be full time in Florida in about a month. I like the Pioneer 500 for the price and Honda reliability and will be buying one as soon as we return to Fl. I am still not sure that I understand if the claim of 2wd/4wd is legit if there are aftermarket dif. lockers available for these. My question is, is this a three wheel drive with the front differential simply a limited slip meaning if one wheel in front slips or spins, then the engagement switches to the other wheel or locks up both front wheels? Dealer is not much help with tech advice, and manufacturer does not really elaborate. It doesnt really matter that much as I will be running on sand and no real getting stuck problem, but still would like to know how the drive system works. Its my understanding that both differentials are powered through driveshafts. Thanks for any feedback. Stan