Save your money . They steer easy and after you get a few thousand miles on it the ride is very good .
OK , If your pounding it and bottoming out your shocks then do the shocks but if your shocking for a smoother ride . Save your money .
And it will continue to suck I used to have a 500. 5.9 inches of travel ain't much to work with. But they are amazing machines and will do whatever you ask of it.Well I got about 1500 miles on it and the ride still sucks. I get bounced all over the WV trails here.
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It will definitely help with that problem.I have also come across some high speed rocks I have hit that nearly ripped the steering wheel out of my hands and I assume the power steering will help with that.
Mine was ok riding it wasent designed for high-speed performance . Taller tires with more sidewall cushion helped also. Not getting in a big hurry did wonders for it's ride, but it was still brutal at times but knowing it has small travel numbers and riding according plus I had a 17 with " better shocks" may have contributed also.
I thought they recalled the 15 and 16's for a shock change.You can't get the part #'s for those years but you can get the 17 and 18 shocks.Is the 17 shocks really better? If so maybe that could be a lower cost answer. I am afraid I will get the walkers and not think it is that much better.
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I thought they recalled the 15 and 16's for a shock change.You can't get the part #'s for those years but you can get the 17 and 18 shocks.