Jackson should take note...
Trust me, Jackson is WELL aware of PAD and a couple others out there. Jackson had to stay within a prescribed box to be Honda Factory Authorized and sell the kits through Honda dealerships and maintain the Honda warranty and offer a 1 year warranty to their kit.
One criteria was not too much power to start breaking things on a daily stock machine.
Another reason is the fuel system. The fuel pump and lines are nearing its ideal maximum output.
But the main criteria was to maintain CARB/EPA compliance so that Honda could authorize them. That included the Catalytic Converter in the stock muffler (thus the reason you cannot use an aftermarket muffler with the Jackson factory authorized turbo). The stock muffler limits the HP to the 160-170 level so the Factory Authorized Turbo is limited to that. Any more HP will require a different exhaust.
If you think the Race Talons are the same, think again. Just look at the custom Gibson exhaust they run. Jackson has an entirely different (non CARB compliant) tune for the race team, but they are allowed to do that for race use.
The Talon motor can do much better than 165 hp, once you upgrade a few parts (fuel and exhaust) but you no longer have the compliance and those kits will be "For Race Use Only". 49 states don't give a crap yet but the CARB "police" have been threatening to start issuing tickets to those that are running modified, non CARB compliant machines in places like Glemis.
Jackson has probably been working on a high output "Race" setup since day 1. They just need to be careful how and to whom they sell it to. If they do something wrong, they could easily lose their CARB/EPA certification and that would be a disaster for them.