@PBishop . I took a drive today to Tantallon. Found an entrance to Rails to Trails by the Esso. I guess the walkers are wanting the government to make it walking only.
I say, make it only for ATV’s and SXS’s .

Keep the walkers off.

I’m going to have to get on it before I can’t.
Rum Runners Trail If you look at this map, the section in red, which is the Chain of Lakes trail, is the only restricted part of the trail to Lunenburg. They say there is a 35 km speed limit on this trail, but I always use the common sense approach when driving on these trails. If you see someone walking or on a bike coming towards you or you are passing them then slow down so you don't drown them in dust. There are a lot of people on these trails on the weekend and I try to avoid them then. I work shift work at Michelin and I am off a lot during the week as I work 12hr shifts, so I try to go as early as possible on the week day. This trail is beautiful and you have a lot of scenery to take in and this is what they are promoting it as so be prepared to take sometime to ride it especially on a weekend.
The walkers and cyclist have to remember that the trail upgrades are payed by the clubs and comes out of the registration from the ATV's. So as far as I am concerned, it is not changing anytime soon because we are paying for it.
This map also shows you where you can park.
On a second note, You can travel across the province from Upper Tantallon to Windsor on some back trail and fire roads. I haven't done them yet, but hope to this summer.