Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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It took me a little while to tweak everything into place, but I'm definitely digging it. I just took it out for a trail ride to check everything out for stability etc. I like the W-shield closed because there's less glare but, airflow is reduced tremendously. I like it open for the incredible inflow of air but there's more glare and external reflection. I also noticed some very small scratches at the base on the inside, but I'm gonna call RMATV tomorrow to see what they want to do. I'm partial to let it go and just keep it, but I wanted to make mention of it. the SuperATV W-shield was my other choice but because the whole bottom part isn't hard coated and difficulty to access the trunk swayed me to this W-shield. I also installed the rear fabric panel which is a nice addition and I'm assuming it'll reduce the dust vortex? On one of the upper corners, they accidentally put in two buckles instead of just one and a strap. the straps and the side Velcro loops are woefully inadequately short and difficult to put together in a small space behind the bench seat. The two upper center straps are extraordinarily long. Definitely got past the quality control inspectors somehow. It's much warmer inside with the shield down but there's also a slight reduction in cab noise. I'm thinking an eventual heat and noise dampening upgrade sometime in the future.Now its got a pulse! How'd you like those Honda clamps...easy breezy huh?