My 30x10x15 BFG KM3 UTV tires got here this afternoon. I got the two rears mounted. I didn't like the black beadlock rings so I rattle canned them to brighten things up a bit. No powder coat, they're going to get all scratched up again anyway.
The 30" KM3's are 1-1/4" taller than the 30" BFG K02's I just took off (both unmounted, free standing). Curious, that much difference from the same mfr.
ETA: I had been a light truck tire fan boi for awhile - I mount my own tires and want to do that as infrequently as possible, so a high mileage tire was important to me ... and I'm cheap. After wearing out the stock tires, I bought the Chicane RX UTV tire (before I became a LT fan boi). I only got 5700 miles on 6 of them, 2 fronts, 4 rears.
Having read that HondaBob was getting 10k on his Terrabites, I wanted more but some of the TBs don't play well with beadlocks, so they're out. About that time, site members were trying the BFG K02 All Terrains, so I jumped. I got 5500 miles on 4 of them, until I hit a rock and cut the sidewall on a front tire. Bummer - that left me with one good tire, the 2 rears were done. Projecting that out, I would have replaced the 2 rears (keeping the half done fronts) and gotten 11k miles out of 6 tires.
But there was a demon lurking - when I was considering having my shocks revalved by Weller Racing, they were dismissive of running LT tires on a SxS because they rode too harshly. Knowing that, I started to pay more attention, and, sure enough, they did ride harshly.
Enter the BFG KM3 UTV specific Mud Terrain (clearly stamped non DOT). The DOT KM3 is highly rated, at least by Rory of Trail Mater and I like BFG because they've been supporting off road racing for many decades. So I jumped, again.
Today was the break-in test ride and within a few hundred yards, I knew that they didn't ride as bad as the K02.

And this was with 5 pounds more air pressure than I usually run - 14F, 15R (Talon spec is 16 lbs). My next ride will be with 9F, 10R.
So, short version - I'm no longer a LT tire on a SxS fan, they ride like a dump truck; BFG K02 to be specific. It's no wonder, the K02 is designed for a 6k lb. truck, not a 2000 lb. Talon. U picks yer poison. I have no idea what the mileage will be on the KM3 but I'll let all y'all know when I do.
One thing fer shur,
@Todd627 was right, it's a whole sh!t tonne faster.
The K02's -
The KM3's -
Before -
After - 😍
Dirty already -