I have a similar set up, on the X a 9x9 pan fits perfectly
My pan is trapped under the Talon in the trailer box at the moment, so I can't measure it for reference but it's not square. Most of my oil changes time out to be at campsites 😍
Begining of Red Canyon, Utah -
East of Breckenridge, Colorado -
St. George, Utah or thereabouts -
West of Green River, Utah -
which is where this track log came from -
This one was fun - the instant I pulled the drain plug, a 100 mph wind (at least. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it) hit me blowing oil everywhere. It blew so hard it blew a brand new roll of paper towels 100 yards off into the weeds. I'm looking around for it so I could clean oil off of everything and thought - where'd that damn roll of paper towels get off to? that can't possibly be it waaaay out there in the weeds, can it? Yup, that was it.

The wind's attack angle was straight into the front of both vehicles.
Between Poison Spring and Little Egypt, Utah -