For years I used a BCS 853 Berta blower once the windrows got too high for the ATV to push back (that used to mean pretty high, but I’m becoming less insane as the years go by). Most snows it worked pretty well to plow to the middle and then blow out that middle windrow with the blower. On occasion we’d have a snowfall so thick and wet (up to 2’ overnight) that the ATV couldn’t move it. Then it was snowblower back and forth taking biggest bites possible, ATV to cleanup, then one last snowblower pass on the middle windrow (can’t plow snow anywhere with an ATV when banks are 3+’ high).
Recognizing what snow/temperature conditions are best for plowing and snowblowing can make the difference between a lot of work and impossible with these tools. It takes a lot of time on a mile long driveway even when done right.
I like the blower so much the plan is upgrade to a 7’ wide one on CTL with Cinchtrax. But that will be the primary driveway machine and I’m hoping not to put a plow on the new P520.