They took away our liberty by ignoring the Constitution, and not we are supposed to let them take away our vote and give it to the corrupt politicians?
They will end up "regulating" us to death since they won't get away with laws that violate all of our Constitutional rights. It seems some would be in favor of 'The First Reich of American", and create the Empire where big government tells us when we can get a haircut, go to the store, take a vacation, etc.
For crying out loud, stand up for your rights. Why aren't the people and business making the decisions of when to open up the country. You should be "allowed" to make these basic decisions yourself, and not let the nanny state pretend to be your mommy. You say they have the science behind them? Look at their abysmal record. Don't worry, oops it a disaster - Wear masks, masks are bad - It (the virus) dies within hours on surfaces - maybe it'll live for a week. Hospitals will be overwhelmed, what to do with all the excess capacity? Make ventilators, oops way too many. Children are not at risk, oh let's close the schools, etc., etc. Meanwhile diagnosed cancer patients are down dramatically not because there is less cancer, but because we can't get basic medical care due to all the governmental edicts.
Too many politicians are only motivated by their own self serving interests, and don't even understand the concept of what being a statesman means. BTW, where have all the statesmen gone? Once they get away with trampling your rights, don't expect them to relinquish their power.