Global Warming Enthusiast
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That was my thinking there guys, thank you. Just seems like a good spot!
I did the same
ProfessionalI did the same as @Wxbee and shaved off the fins. I used some strong velcro tape to stick it on there just make sure you clean it with alcohol before sticking on the velcro. No problems either. I used a Dremel to make the cuts using the circular blade/accessory tool.View attachment 254970
Did you buy the isolator kit with the dual voltage meter? If you did, it came with a relay that does what you're talking about.Question,
Now that I have my second battery installed and I did not use a Stinger, my fuse box is always hot. Whatever I install from there will have it's own switch to power off. I want to install a voltage meter for both of my batteries, but I am not sure the best way to hook them up so they are not constantly on. The pos wires from the meter will go to the pos terminal of each battery, can I connect a switch to the grounds so that I can turn them off? Can both voltage meter grounds be attached to the same switch?
View attachment 255103
You can put your ground to the volt meter on a switch. I run mine that way for 6 months before I figured out my kit came with that relay. Lol or just wire up a relay that gives you key on ground to the volt meter.No sir, my Isolator kit was not the one which included the volt meter.
Update -...interesting.
We've had lows to -15*F, ill report if I experience the same.
Update -
took her ice fishing, -5*F.
Dead Stinger....
Onto the next Solenoid.
That's discouraging. We don't get those temps in Tennessee much, but still...
I think at the very least I am going to make up some kind of bypass doohicky to keep on board.
You don’t have to do that. Just buy a quality marine grade constant duty solenoid.
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Likewise, nothing on Stinger's website mentions operating temps..Yep. I should have thought about that before buying the stinger... but everyone here was recommending it and I just jumped on board.
Likewise, nothing on Stinger's website mentions operating temps..
live and learn, but good info for anyone building out a system.
If it gets cold, avoid the Stinger.
Thank you very much for the information. So I will hook up the pos from both batteries to their volt meters, then both grounds from the volt meters will join together on a switch, next to the volt meter to turn on and off both with one flip of the switch. Sounds good to me, thanks!!You can put your ground to the volt meter on a switch. I run mine that way for 6 months before I figured out my kit came with that relay. Lol or just wire up a relay that gives you key on ground to the volt meter.
My only problem is that I do not have a Stinger, I chose to go with a fuse box that is powered key off and I need to switch anything I power from it. So that was my worry, my voltmeters would be hot all the time unless I switch them. So if I run pos from each battery to a switch, out to a voltmeter would work just fine. But I thought about pos from batteries to volt meters, then use the ground to turn on / off. Thanks for your reply, I need you guys to tell me what works well with my always hot fuse box. 👍I ditched the relay for the voltmeter.
Ran ground to the gound terminal of course, jumped the accesory terminal that powers the the stinger coil to MAIN, jump from any circuit that the stinger energizes to AUX.
My only problem is that I do not have a Stinger, I chose to go with a fuse box that is powered key off and I need to switch anything I power from it. So that was my worry, my voltmeters would be hot all the time unless I switch them. So if I run pos from each battery to a switch, out to a voltmeter would work just fine. But I thought about pos from batteries to volt meters, then use the ground to turn on / off. Thanks for your reply, I need you guys to tell me what works well with my always hot fuse box. 👍