One thing to think about with spacers is that you are adding more leverage by moving the wheels out. It will make a difference in the ride but probably not that noticeable. You'd need 2" spacers probably to notice. Try to imagine the leverage of a 10" spacer, I know that is unrealistic but the suspension would probably sag a lot and bottom out the shocks with that much leverage. Another view is what if you had your tires directly under the springs, it would stiffen up quite a bit.
One more thought... spacers actually increase wheel travel as the radius is longer now. The A-arms don't move any further but the tires is further from the pivot point.
I'm just rambling, probably not making real world differences. Spacers help a stability, wheel travel, soften the suspension, and throw more mud in your face.
" jak9922" lmfao grilling hotdogs on a stick over an open popo hahahahaha