BINGO! Nearly EVERYTHING is in short supply due to covid...... BUT actually not due to covid, but rather to the stupidity shown by government leaders around the world but esp here in America. From the first day they started shutting down our national economy I said ........ "long after folks get over the death count, they will still be complaining about the economy". Only FOOLS would have considered KILLING the nationally economy to attempt keeping folks from dying. Dying is a fact of life. Those folks are still dead and our national economy is on life support. Add to that all the govt give away money to keep workers at home.
Bought lumber lately???? There is no shortage of TREES, but it takes workers, trucks, fuel, tools, etc to get the trees out of the woods to the mills. Then the same problem at the mills, then problem of trucking to distribution, then to stores. The nation would have been 1000 times better of if NOTHING had been shut down.