Well-Known Member
No mainly dirt roads !!! It crazy, I have no clue why this happened, but I am so upset. Thanks, I will call my insurance and ask !!!!
With mostly dirt roads and such it might have been a poor assembly job or a oil/gas leak but I bet you will have a hard time proving that with the machine burnt to the frame.
Unless Honda knows of a particular assembly issue/component or dealer setup issue that is causing a problem like what Polaris had with their voltage regulators and heat shield designs. But the incidents of Pioneers catching on fire are really, really low considering the number of units out in the field. (Unlike the Polaris problem)
You might also want to join and post on the Honda Pioneer 1000 Riders group on Facebook. There are more owners there. You can also search their post history but unfortunately a lot of posts either drop off or get deleted so it isn't as good of a resource as this forum is.