Hmm Ok I did not see one just hanging there when I looked earlier. I thought the one I saw had something already plugged into it. I will look again. Thanks for the help!
OK found it. It was wrapped up with black tape and I missed it. Looks like there is a cap on it that needs removed and then I should be able to plug it right in.
Another quick question. Once its plugged in what do all the colored breakoffs go to? I see several colors that go off of this harness. What items are able to be attached to this harness?
Hmm Ok I did not see one just hanging there when I looked earlier. I thought the one I saw had something already plugged into it. I will look again. Thanks for the help!
I've got so much electronics under my hood now that it's no longer visible or I'd post a pic. But I'm pretty sure Hondasxs or perhaps one of the other good contributors here has posted a pic of it before. I'm sure if you search around a bit you'll find it. And yes, it's got a red cap on it that you'll remove.
OK found it. It was wrapped up with black tape and I missed it. Looks like there is a cap on it that needs removed and then I should be able to plug it right in.
Another quick question. Once its plugged in what do all the colored breakoffs go to? I see several colors that go off of this harness. What items are able to be attached to this harness?
Ok, so two of them are just hot, two have an accompanying ground. So it just depends on your needs. I've got winch switch, light bar, back up lights and voltage meter on mine. Others here have similar. Hondasxs has instructions on this in a thread as well if you look about you'll find it.