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Terrier bait! my Wife brought this dam Ferrel cat home 12 years ago, she found at a lube shop, brought it home and said isn't she cute and left me with that dam cat for 4 days while she was on a field trip to Seattle with her students, I had tamed the dam cat before she got home, she walks in and see's the dam cat in my lap and say's how did you do that? Dam cat loves me and she is a b****, I don't like her, but won't have anything to do with my wife, so I'm stuck with a b**** of a cat, she's a real sh** head. You can be petting her and out of the blue she will bite the Sh** out of you! Pisses on every thing. The only person she likes is me, so I feel sorry for her and take care of her, why I don't know. Well yes I do, I can't treat animals badly, but this dam cat has tested my limits! My wife has even said no more cats and she has had one all her life. This cat has sent us over the edge, she getting old now and losing weight, think I'm going to dig her grave this week end, think it would be cruel to bury a b**** of a cat while still breathing? HA! Just kidding! Terries are just as good at catching mice! Might have to set the furniture back up though!New family member
Levi adopted from the shelter this week. He gets snipped next week. Supposed to be an outside cat, but you can see how well that is working on day 2 ....
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