HondaSxS Club Stress Management Director
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So, I found this thing online: Polaris RZR 1000 900 Rear Overhead MTX Dual Speaker Add-on 2879514 | eBay
It is designed to plug into the MTX overhead unit made for the Razr's. I have seen these units in person, and they appear to be the same as the one we are using, just a different shape. They are much harder to find, and much more expensive.
I believe that the Razr unit and the Ace unit have the same rectangular 8 pin output plug, which the "add-on" unit plugs in to - supposedly plug and play. I is pretty much impossible to find compatibility info online, and MTX refuses to acknowledge my inquiries. Since i have a five seater, I thought it would be cool to be able to add two more speakers for the rear passengers.
Anyhow, I pulled the trigger on the Add-on speakers today. Will report back after I receive it.
This was what I wanted to do with a second Ace unit. Then have one above each seat of the P500.