Going to give it hell. At the least might have to fly down and rent a machine. Wife says were going regardless which I’m ok with! Be just us this time.
I pulled a 1000 out in 2016. P5 in reverse has some serious torqueI am in for the p5 ride. Someone just needs to give the p1000 group a way to contact us so we can come rescue them. That's what I want a video of. a p5 pulling a string of 1000's behind it. The little engine that could.
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Ah ask @100Acre about the late night mud pit we were playing around in Idaho! I’m well aware the 500 can get other rigs out of trouble lolI pulled a 1000 out in 2016. P5 in reverse has some serious torque
@GnomeRider WTF??? I ain’t taking no riders, especially ain’t no big hairy white privileged men. That’s @JTW ‘s thang!
You cannot have my alter ego! It’s mine mine mine mine mine mine! Unless of course you have some funky thang Gnomobile hippity hoppity chicka chicka bang bang thang goin on that I don’t wanna know about.
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Alright guys, I just hit up Jackal in another thread asking what the chances would be on him leading a ride for the P5's! He lives down there and knows these trails like they're his backyard. He stated the only problem would be getting all the P5's together for it. Why waste time searching for the cool spots when we can have a guided tour with another P5 that knows where he's going? Plenty of time to go back to them on your own later or check out other trails afterwards.
We'll have to work out the time specifics but chime in if you're down for this ride. We need to represent down there and a pack of ten or twelve 500's would be BA!![]()
What about a Gnombikle? You gots one ‘o thems? I wholeheartedly agree with you that they’re totally misunderstood. I should know......I serv d in the Gnome Wars. I was a reluctant objectifier Samsquinch, I was made to smush them into pebbles. Which we used to fire the boilers in the great dragon like floating ships of Blloooooog. The ships when attacking would bellow out blasphemous booms of bowel like bombastic Blllooooogs. ‘‘Twas a sight to remember.Too funny! No Gnomobile just a short fat guy who thinks gnomes are misunderstood.
Been there done that....I am in for the p5 ride. Someone just needs to give the p1000 group a way to contact us so we can come rescue them. That's what I want a video of. a p5 pulling a string of 1000's behind it. The little engine that could.
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That's interesting, I asked about trailer parking but was not informed of the trail. Looks like we'll be there the same dates.Can add another P500 to the list, just made reservations at the Comfort Inn. Coming in Thur.19th and leaving Sun.22nd. She said there was a RRB trail head right across the street from them, with a really cool accent too.
That's interesting, I asked about trailer parking but was not informed of the trail. Looks like we'll be there the same dates.
I'm on the name tags!! Hoping to get a list as it gets closer. want to print screen names and have a place to write in your first name if you would like.Wondered if it was an actual trail head, like with trailer parking, or if she just meant picking up the trail? Saw that you were going to be there and I'm looking forward to meeting you.
I was thinking... @Hondasxs or one of the mods should print off some cards with screen names and avatars to put on our machines, put it in a little slip sheet that you hang on your mirror or something. Be an easy way of knowing who's who.![]()
I'm on the name tags!! Hoping to get a list as it gets closer. want to print screen names and have a place to write in your first name if you would like.
hanging tags is a great idea. ill looking that.
The trail does come down near the Comfort inn. there is no parking at the entry to the trail. You should be able to unload in the day use parking and leave your machine overnight at another members cabin or camp site. then you can drive your tow vehicle back and forth . its only 15 min drive by car.
@Hondasxs or one of the mods should print off some cards with screen names and avatars to put on our machines, put it in a little slip sheet that you hang on your mirror or something. Be an easy way of knowing who's who.![]()
Much has happened since I first mentioned joining the fun.We have 12 P500 attending so far and 1 maybe!!
@Gator will you be joining us ?
@Mudder I don't see your name on the list ?
For some reason I thought you had a 500 !Much has happened since I first mentioned joining the fun.
I have a new position in the company and I'm working out of another office.
My roll and responsibilities are yet to be fully defined.
The Takeover is bumping up against some big deadlines making it difficult for me to commit.
I ask to be forgiven for being non-committal.
Give me another couple of weeks and I should have a better picture of my work requirements.
(And thanks for asking)
EDIT: I'll be bringing a P700 to the ride.