Hi FarmTim: The following is from a posting I made on Oct. 12 last year. I've used the fan switch extensively since then and it works just fine with no negative feedback. I have since had the factory fan switch replaced under warranty but have not had the fan come on automatically since it was replaced. I am in the process of installing a Trail Tech digital temp gauge. The research for this has been time consuming. I was told on this site that Koso offered a hose adapter with a port for a temp sender. Trail Tech does as well, however I want to put the adapter in the by pass hose that by passes the thermostat when the engine is cold. That hose is a 12 mm diameter hose (1/2" nominal ID) and the smallest adapter made is 14mm. So, I ordered some brass fittings to make an adapter. The biggest leak is that both companies use a sender that uses BSP (British Pipe Thread). The problem is that an adapter from NPT to BSP is not readily available and there are 2 BSP threads, one is parallel and one is tapered. Some suppliers label them as BSPP and BSPT for tapered and parallel but more often they don't. The senders from both Trail Tech and Koso and 1/8" male BSPP. Amazon offers an adapter from VIAIR which makes on board air compressors for vehicles. The part number is VIAIR 90001 and the adapter is 1/4" Male NPT x 1/8" Female BSPP. I am connecting that to a 3/8" X 3/8" X 1/4" brass pipe tee and the two 3/8' ports have 1/2" hose barb adapters. The only thing I don't like about these 2 gauges is that they are both battery powered (5 year batteries) rather than powered by the vehicle battery. I am limited by dash space and didn't want a round gauge but Glow Shift makes some round ones that use NPT threads. I also ran across a thread from some one who did something similar to what I am doing along with some very good photos: INSTALLED TEMPERATURE GAUGE - Finally! - ATVConnection.com ATV Enthusiast Community
I hope this lengthy response is helpful.
I hope this lengthy response is helpful.