So as I am getting things ready for a fan, I'm stuck on which switch to buy. Should I buy a 5 pin or 7 pin switch. I plan to add 4 lights and then winch on/off and in/out switches. so 7 switches total. Have a circuit breaker ordered and am going with a fuse panel then. I have to piece things in a little at a time, but I want the right thing to begin with.
I'm not an expert, so take what I'm about to tell you with some salt. I only have experience. And luck possibly.
So I can start with facts. 5 pin switches, and never go back. I went from non illuminated rockers (2pin) to illuminated rockers (3 pin). I wasn't impressed because I'm going to know when my light bars are on Anyways.
Then after years I found my first 5 pin. You can see the damn switch in the dark. It's like the glow in the dark Flashlight. Buy them and never look back.
I have a stinger relay, no fuse. My remote wire is tapped from fuse box. Stinger direct to battery.
I see no reason for a fuse. The light bars won't short your battery out, the damn solinoid will die long before that. You can't short the bar out because it can work all the way up to 30 volts or something (they are tough). Also, even if I could short it out, the cost of hiring the fuses is almost a fifth to half a new bar.
Don't know if I helped, but that's how I done mine up.
I'm not sure why you would buy a seven pin for a fan. Usually those are for a much different application. Like maybe headlights. So you can have several sources of power. Or a winch So you have different directions, but that's a crappy plan. Get a momentary style switch. You have to hold it for power. Think dead man's trigger. Last thing you want is to accidently click it and fry some s*** over a bad switch plan.
.also get the snap switch plate things. They look much much better than free handing. Ebay is the cheapest place to get them. Get more than you need because they are modular. You can take them down and add it subtract switches as you live your life. They also sell covers in case you have to take switches out after you installed everything And don't want an empty switch Bay.
Gl. I got 2 light bars to put on. Aux beam is the hot ticket man. Forget eyourlife.