On my trailer gross carrying capacity is 1400 lbs ( another number gvc .. - 1850 lbs), P500 "Curb
Weight 1010 pounds - Includes all standard equipment, required fluids and full tank of fuel" plus my extras should be around 300 lbs max ( my guesstimate) . I bought it from a guy who was trailing his golf cart, then found Condor Pit-Stop/Trailer-Stop with a kit and could not be happier for how easy is to put and demount it from trailer with minor modification ( keeps my extra heavy bikes very nice . Since I dont have space/need for bigger trailer , and this also helped me to sway away and to buy P500 instead of P1000. For now it works great for me and when my dad visits me during hunting season. My girlfriend is coming in a week, will see what she will say about P500. I was working on winterizing all my bikes, compressors, lawnmower and she offered help to wait for her , I guess its a good sigh
My phlospophy is to maximazie use of what I have before I step up .