Wondering where you went to. Sounds like you had a good trip. I bought some nice size scallops yesterday. I think 20 for $8 something. Can’t wait to fry them up.62 to 82 +/- no clouds and humidity in the teens during the day a up to 50% at night.
just back from some time in the San Juan Islands...almost strayed into CA...temp a fair amount cooler and a dab of rain now and then but all in all a fine place. Seafood was wonderful but terribly expensive...$15 for 5 fried oysters. We used to get a bushel for $20 and a $5 tip from the Chesapeake Bay. But that's been a few weeks ago or so it seems. #1 son is trying to raise crawdads in a barrel but I can't seem to keep him from snatching some to see how they taste. Gotta let em breed and make little crawdads that will grow up to be biggens.
I bought some smoking pellets that are from LA and was supposed to be wonderful on seafood. Going to try them on dead pig ribs this weekend.
Gas was $6 or a bit more and glad to get back to Idaho for $4.65 gas. I'm getting a little tired of the actions of those folks in DC that I didn't vote for.
mph my brother caught a nice salmon in Cape Breton on the Margaree, where he lives, last week. Caper