Wow, wild or just feral....🤔
They are left on their own most of the year, but fed hay often through someone contracted to the state. In the Owens Valley they are an icon. They were used to haul sections of pipe for the aqueducts that feed water to Look s Angeles (John Mulholland) as well as used to pack out Golden Trout eggs that are brought down in old metal twist top milk containers packed in snow to be raised at My. Whitney fish hatchery. My father had made that trip a few times while working for CA DFG. Every Memorial weekend they even have Mule Days, which consists of a morning parade with mules pulling old wagons & fire "trucks" from days passed. Then a rodeo in Bishop CA where competitors come from many states.
We had a vacation trailer in a park in the valley for years near where the mules roamed. Every day or two they would come by & feed on grass & tree clippings thrown over the fence for them by residents there. But their favorite food is tabaco! If you feed just one a cigarette the rest will swarm you lol.
Mule Days, Bishop, CA – Just another WordPress site