I was ripping up the corn fields on Saturday and doing some hard steer maneuvers at full speed. Its funny cuz I was thinking the locked wheels give it MORE stability than I remember it before. with the sway bar removed it use to lean pretty hard at high speed turns before. not tip over but did feel uncomfortable. I got to thinking that the inside wheel on whichever way you were turning into would have slightly more resistance to the ground and may in fact set the machine up to stay more level in the turns. it needs more testing for this theory. Also my ice drive testing was amazing. It had complete control in 4wd. if it got squirrelly you just gas it and steer that straightened it out every time. I never thought about testing with my snowplow on .. lol I was to eager to get it off the put the spool in. I do suspect turning with extra 100lbs cantilevered over the axle would have to make it more difficult to turn.. You would have dam good traction though. lol I will have to test this and report back.
JWB I cant wait to hear your unbiased opinion. You are my first judge. Show us what p5 is capable of...
I have mailed your spool off today.
PS sign me up for TURBO. Love that stuff
Spool- Totally pumped!
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