I have an iPad with the GAIA GPS app. It's able to save all my tracks, unlike a GPS that quickly fills up, needs to be uploaded to my computer and then they're no longer available on the GPS - it's impossible to see where I rode a year ago. I'm paying $29 a year but it has free access too, I'm not sure if I have to pay for track storage, I figured that part out after I signed up. If track storage is free, what matters to me, then I'm out $29 a year because that's the only feature I care about.
Avenza and OnX are two similar apps.
Screen shots from my iPad, all these tracks are still there for easy viewing -
1500 miles of smiles over 3 weeks -
700 miles over 8 days not counting trailer mileage -
Hold my beer rides -
The next two show the importance of long term track storage. I have a lot to ride here and need to know where I haven't ridden. Click on the pic to enlarge and see the topo details.