DG Rider
Member: Triple Clutch Club
Lifetime Member
This might be something. The crank position sensor is built into the stator assembly. I kinda hate that...mostly because it makes it harder to replace in the field compared to some, but then again, I think I've heard of (maybe) 3 actual failures. I did a post about on another site that basically discussed trying to prepare for possible failures on the trail, and how to over come them. The crank sensor is one area that can't be easily fixed trailside. Fortunately, they often give some warning before dumping completely....changed fuel injector as it seemed intermittently working,
How many miles/hours @BigMac ?
The 500/700 are easily the most reliable sxs's you can buy, and the 520 shouldn't have any surprises, but is the bed on the 520 going to be big enough?