With the latest discussion of a rollover. I would like to start a safety mod thread,to discuss and show what some members have done to protect themselves and others.
We all want to have a good time on the trails and all return to camp safely.
I for 1 DO NOT want to have to help an injured member off the trail. I know everyone has a choice, but my choice is to do all i can to protect my passengers.
Ok lets use this as a place to show off you safety mods and maybe it will promote more members to follow. Please show pictures and some info on your mod, like parts used and even links to your parts if possible. Anything safety related is what i would like to see.
I have gotten numerous compliments on our groups trail edict,organization and friendliness. I see this group as a leader in how to do things the best a safest way possible.If we can help/save an injury or death we have done our job.
I think all the suggestions are very important, one that I'd like to add is, if your not sure of the area that you're riding in be cautious on the trails. I have come across some serious accidents because people were riding to fast and didn't know the trails that they were riding on. If you're unfamiliar with new trails, take it easy and don't speed. This person laying on the ground was a passenger and her husband was speeding around a corner and crashed into a huge pine. She fractured her right shoulder, had 3 broken ribs, and a concussion.