Montecresto el segundo
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In 1940, FDR began communications with Churchill with both men's interest in getting the US involved in another European war that Americans had no interest in, just a generation earlier the US had paid dearly in blood and treasure in a war most didn't consider to be in Americas national security interest. So quietly FDR began provoking the Japanese to attack us, first with economic warfare, embargoes and blockades and then with ships positioned provocatively close to the Japanese mainland. Through all this, the Japanese resisted attacking us, and with Americans steadfastly against our involvement, he had to promise Americans that he would not send their sons to war again in order to get re elected in 1940. A Gallup poll in April of 1941 showed this well, 80% of Americans polled opposed entering that war. So FDR needed more. In 1932 the US navy had conducted exercises in Hawaii that resulted in the report to Washington that Pearl Harbor was not a suitable port for the pacific fleet. This is why the fleet was stationed at San Diego. To further provoke the Japanese and make an attack by them easier, FDR ordered the commander of the pacific fleet to move the fleet to Pearl Harbor! The commander, so angered by this, flew to Washington to confront FDR on its insanity and was summarily fired. Of course his replacement promptly moved the fleet. Though not wishing to get hurt too hard by the Japanese, those indispensable ships, our aircraft carriers, were kept safely at sea and not moved into the Harbor that had much earlier been considered too shallow with a dangerous choke point entrance/exit.
It's people like Rand and Ron Paul, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson and Bernie Sanders that recognize our nations history of imperialism, hegemony and unnecessary war.
But as long as we continue to send establishment democrats and republicans to Washington, we're going to see this type of reckless foreign policy pursued, which will ensure that the US has no shortage of enemies, and is of course therefore, less safe!
It's people like Rand and Ron Paul, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson and Bernie Sanders that recognize our nations history of imperialism, hegemony and unnecessary war.
But as long as we continue to send establishment democrats and republicans to Washington, we're going to see this type of reckless foreign policy pursued, which will ensure that the US has no shortage of enemies, and is of course therefore, less safe!
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