I was gonna upload the spool install vids, but apparently I put those on the Princess's computer, and she's away till Sunday....doh!!
I have a 2014 Foreman 500 with locking front diff. I think that was the first year it was available in that model. It's virtually the same damn machine as the P500. Would be soooooo simple for them to make it available. Like I said earlier, I was shocked to discover it has never been available on the P500. I purchased my 2017 P500 on Tuesday of this week. The final decision to purchase was based on your promise of the locker...... No pressure! lolI know you know it's not that simple. If we're gonna be p.o.'d at someone- we can start with Honda! They've had virtually every component needed sitting in parts bins, to just put an f'n shiftable locker in the P500 for about 48 months..... and, have ignored it's customers completely in this regard....So every time I start getting annoyed waiting for Torqmasters, I think about that.![]()
I have a 2014 Foreman 500 with locking front diff. I think that was the first year it was available in that model. It's virtually the same damn machine as the P500. Would be soooooo simple for them to make it available. Like I said earlier, I was shocked to discover it has never been available on the P500. I purchased my 2017 P500 on Tuesday of this week. The final decision to purchase was based on your promise of the locker...... No pressure! lol
Thanks for the video!Here's the spool install vid. P500 Spool install
Great videos! THANKS!Here's the spool install vid. P500 Spool install
Just bought a used one..I did the repair to the control arm mount yesterday. I'll post in the p5 suspension thread. Also found that my steering rack is toast, so I'll be ordering a new one this week...
P500 - p5 suspension
What you talkin bout man!? I went riding today! I can still steer it!Just bought a used one..
new one...spendy
Hope ya...get it rolling
...a trail soon
Love the video.Here's the spool install vid. P500 Spool install
Right after the 500 came out i lightly investigated using 500 gears in a 700 and noticed this, and put it off as a typo. The question was, which ratio was right, so thanks for the info.While I had the machine in the shop yesterday to repair the steering issue (P500 - p5 suspension) I also jacked up the rear and checked the gear ratio in the rear diff.. According to the parts list, the ring gear is 53t, and the pinion 22T for a ratio of about 2.4:1. It's actually a smidge over 4:1- same as the front diff... So, the parts list is wrong on tooth count, or there's something going on that I just haven't encountered in my 35+ years in the repair business. I wonder if they've mixed up spline count with tooth count? If someone gets a chance to open one up, I'd love to know. Inquiring minds and all that....![]()
You bet! Love doin it.Right after the 500 came out i lightly investigated using 500 gears in a 700 and noticed this, and put it off as a typo. The question was, which ratio was right, so thanks for the info.
Thanks!! Ya man, this really cool dude gave me a spool to try....whittled it outta a chunk-o-steel with tools he made himself, and just gave it to me to test... How cool is that!! Thanks again my friend..Love the video.
You are the man!!
I checked out the diff's on Foreman, they are completely different units- go figure. The gear ratio is about 3.23:1 Vs about 4.07:1 in the P500. Apparently the top speed of the Foreman is about 60mph- about right for that gear ratio. The size of the Foreman diff is probably the limiting factor as far as gear ratio is concerned. BUT, no excuse for not using the same set-up as the P700, or, a modified version of the Foreman diff. I.M.H.O.I have a 2014 Foreman 500 with locking front diff. I think that was the first year it was available in that model. It's virtually the same damn machine as the P500. Would be soooooo simple for them to make it available. Like I said earlier, I was shocked to discover it has never been available on the P500. I purchased my 2017 P500 on Tuesday of this week. The final decision to purchase was based on your promise of the locker...... No pressure! lol
I love the rant. JWBI checked out the diff's on Foreman, they are completely different units- go figure. The gear ratio is about 3.23:1 Vs about 4.07:1 in the P500. Apparently the top speed of the Foreman is about 60mph- about right for that gear ratio. The size of the Foreman diff is probably the limiting factor as far as gear ratio is concerned. BUT, no excuse for not using the same set-up as the P700, or, a modified version of the Foreman diff. I.M.H.O.
Now for a brief rant... sorry in advance... but it may explain why there will never be a locker, or more power, or better suspension, from honda in the P500.
We just got the **THE ALL NEW FOR 2018 200-250H.P. V6 OUTBOARDS!!** (I work at a Honda Marine dealership) So, here's what we get for 2018, after plaguing them for years with "OUR CUSTOMERS WANT MORE POWER"... They added a color!!! White. Yup, I can order a white outboard. They then go on to brag that the 200 and 225 are going to use their "proven big bore 3.6 liter engine" Do they really think any customer gives a sh*t? It's still the same block and heads as the 250, just de-tuned to make 200, or 225 h.p.. Here's the best part. The cylinder bore is unchanged. Big Bore? The only difference is 3mm of stroke from the original 200 & 225 - a little over 100cc's in displacement.. The one thing they did change that actually matters (and they don't mention it!?! wtf!!) is the gear ratio is finally,finally, 2:1 (from 1.83) still not enough but better... Suzuki now has a twin-prop 350h.p., Yamaha has a 350h.p., Mercury has a 400h.p., Evinrude has a 300h.p. So Honda's big announcement for 2018...... is a color, and a huge increase in profits to Honda on the all the V6's due having one platform in three output ratings, and the output difference is nothing more than a change in programming, and the addition of the V-TEC solenoids on the 225 & 250's, and a continuation of being trounced by the competition...and comparatively flat sales. Yamaha's entire production of large outboards is sold out for over a year. Hey Honda, do you get it yet?!
I checked out the diff's on Foreman, they are completely different units- go figure. The gear ratio is about 3.23:1 Vs about 4.07:1 in the P500. Apparently the top speed of the Foreman is about 60mph- about right for that gear ratio. The size of the Foreman diff is probably the limiting factor as far as gear ratio is concerned. BUT, no excuse for not using the same set-up as the P700, or, a modified version of the Foreman diff. I.M.H.O.
Now for a brief rant... sorry in advance... but it may explain why there will never be a locker, or more power, or better suspension, from honda in the P500.
We just got the **THE ALL NEW FOR 2018 200-250H.P. V6 OUTBOARDS!!** (I work at a Honda Marine dealership) So, here's what we get for 2018, after plaguing them for years with "OUR CUSTOMERS WANT MORE POWER"... They added a color!!! White. Yup, I can order a white outboard. They then go on to brag that the 200 and 225 are going to use their "proven big bore 3.6 liter engine" Do they really think any customer gives a sh*t? It's still the same block and heads as the 250, just de-tuned to make 200, or 225 h.p.. Here's the best part. The cylinder bore is unchanged. Big Bore? The only difference is 3mm of stroke from the original 200 & 225 - a little over 100cc's in displacement.. The one thing they did change that actually matters (and they don't mention it!?! wtf!!) is the gear ratio is finally,finally, 2:1 (from 1.83) still not enough but better... Suzuki now has a twin-prop 350h.p., Yamaha has a 350h.p., Mercury has a 400h.p., Evinrude has a 300h.p. So Honda's big announcement for 2018...... is a color, and a huge increase in profits to Honda on the all the V6's due having one platform in three output ratings, and the output difference is nothing more than a change in programming, and the addition of the V-TEC solenoids on the 225 & 250's, and a continuation of being trounced by the competition...and comparatively flat sales. Yamaha's entire production of large outboards is sold out for over a year. Hey Honda, do you get it yet?!
Ya, Honda would have to modify the 700 diff, and yes, the gear ratio is different, the carrier is the same- if the parts list can be trusted- so the gears would swap. I guess the point is, that it's totally do-able by Honda, and keep the 50" width, or very very close to it. I know at least one other brand machine in the 50" 'class' is actually 53". Mine is 53" with wheel tire combo. Honda certainly doesn't lag in the motorcycle arena.....The 500 diff IS the 700 diff without the locker, there’s not enough room and still be able to keep it under 50” for the full 700 front diff. Look how short those axels are as it is.
Get Jak to make you some long travel a-arms and tuck a 700 front diff in there, but I think the final drive ratio may be different.
Looking at @hondasrule's pics earlier, it looks like honda may have omitted the splines on the right side of the carrier where the diff lock functions? Am i right?Ya, Honda would have to modify the 700 diff, and yes, the gear ratio is different, the carrier is the same- if the parts list can be trusted- so the gears would swap. I guess the point is, that it's totally do-able by Honda, and keep the 50" width, or very very close to it. I know at least one other brand machine in the 50" 'class' is actually 53". Mine is 53" with wheel tire combo. Honda certainly doesn't lag in the motorcycle arena.....